Saturday, August 13, 2011

My Own Spanikopita

Combining my Italian roots with my husband's Greek, I make my own healthy version of Spanikopita, while paying homage to my neighbor, Sarah.

Here's what I do:
Heat olive oil in pan, cook 1 chopped yellow onion with some salt until translucent. Then add 1/2 box of tofu (squeeze the H2O out over the sink, then crumble in the pan). Add chopped spinach and a bunch of fresh basil, oregano, and thyme.

Set that aside and then grate some mozzarella cheese and get your feta and organic whole grain filo dough ready.

Follow filo instructions on package, and then fill with a bit of veggie/tofu mix, a little feta, and a little grated cheese.

I use olive oil (not butter) and these turn out really good.

My Greek hubby loves them, and so does my little sweet pea.

She eats them all up!

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